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Price List Europe and the rest of the world (except USA) 2006.

Contact Precision Instruments
Suite 2, 13 South Hill Park Garden
London NW3 2TD
Tel +44 (0)870 901 6083

| Fundamental                                     British Pounds Sterling |
|  SAM  PSYLAB Stand alone monitor                 Control Unit   650.00  |
| Physiology Measurement Couplers                                         |
|  PPA  Finger Pulse Amplifier               Physiology Coupler   450.00  |
|  BIO  High Sensitivity BioAmplifier        Physiology Coupler   450.00  |
|  SC5  Skin Conductance                     Physiology Coupler   450.00  |
|  TMP  Temperature Precision skin / body    Physiology Coupler   450.00  |
|  RSP  Respiration Amplifier                Physiology Coupler   450.00  |
|  EEG4 4 Channel EEG or EMG amplifier       Physiology Coupler  1195.00  |
|  EEG8 8 Channel EEG or EMG amplifier       Physiology Coupler  1645.00  |
| Stimulus Couplers                                                       |
|  TGWN Auditory Stimulator (Tone and Noise)    Stimulus Coupler  450.00  |
|  BIN8 Binary Input / Output and Relays        Stimulus Coupler  450.00  |
|  SHK1 Electrical Stimulation (Pain)           Stimulus Coupler  695.00  |
|  SHK2 Electrical Stimulation (Pulse)          Stimulus Coupler  895.00  |
| Transducers                                                             |
|  PT1  Finger Plethysmograph                         Transducer  225.00  |
|  RSG  Respiration Strain Gge                        Transducer  155.00  |
|  TP   Temperature probe (active)                    Transducer  155.00  |
|  BSG  Barlow Strain Gauge                           Transducer 1395.00  |
|  GGE  Geer Gauge                                    Transducer 1395.00  |
| Electrodes                                                              |
|  EL1  Electrode Pair for EDA (Med Associates TDE 20)Electrodes   80.00  |
|  EL2  Lead set EKG or EMG  3M use with disposables  Electrodes   80.00  |
|  EL3  Electrode set for EEG 8 dome type (SLE)       Electrodes   80.00  |
|  EL4  150 disposable electrodes EMG or EKG (3M)     Electrodes  110.00  |
|  EL5  Collar for SC  electrode (999)       Electrode Accessory  129.00  |
|  EL6  Collar for EMG electrode (999)       Electrode Accessory  129.00  |
|  EL7  Ear clip electrode for EEG                    Electrodes   80.00  |
|  EL8  EEG electrode jell (10 tubes)        Electrode Accessory   95.00  |
|  EL9  Collar for EEG dome electrode (1000) Electrode Accessory  129.00  |
|  CAP  Electrode cap set for EEG (Electro Cap Int'l) Electrode   450.00  |
| Accessories                                                             |
|  PS   Power Supply (Universal)                      Accessory    60.00  |
| Cables                                                                  |
|  CL15 Power cable UK                          Power Connector     8.00  |
|  CL16 Power cable Northern Europe 3 pin       Power Connector     7.00  |
|  CL31 BioAmplifier Input Lead               Subject Connector    70.00  |
|  CL35 Amplifier Input Extension (4 yards)   Subject Connector    55.00  |
|  CL36 Amplifier cable (1 supplied F.O.C. with amplifier)         29.00  |
|  CL37 Analogue output cable (4 yards)      Analogue Connector    29.00  |
|  CL61 USB connector                         Digital Connector    29.00  |
| Software                                                                |
|  PSY   PsyLab measurement and analysis software per SAM unit    650.00  |
|  PSYS  Multi-media stimulation facility              Software   650.00  |
| Other                                                                   |
|  DEL Delivery per SAM system (UK)                    Delivery    40.00  |
|  DEL Delivery per SAM system (Europe by courier)     Delivery    75.00  |
|  INST Install and demonstrate on site (UK)       Installation  <750.00  |
|  INST Install and demonstrate on site (Europe)   Installation <1950.00  |
Contact Precision Instruments                       Tel +44 (0)870 901 6083
Fax +44 (0)870 340 2217
England                                               Vat no GB 440 6381 66